

Last week, our sweet Eloise turned one. I took the day off of work, hoping to spend the afternoon at the zoo or at the beach. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperative with our plans, and instead it rained through the early afternoon. We spent the morning at home, opening presents and relaxing. In the afternoon, we ended up heading over to the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum. It was our first time there, and although we had fun, it wasn’t exactly geared towards children as young as Ellie. Nonetheless, it was nice to get out of the house for a while and explore a new place. After the museum, we stopped for some frozen yogurt, which surprisingly E was not all that into.






Eloise is now walking pretty consistently, although she’s still pretty wobbly, and she crawls when she wants to get somewhere fast. She says a handful of words, including “dada,” “mo” (more), “nana” (banana – means any food), “bo” (book), “ba” (ball), “baba,” “da” (dog), and sometimes “mama.” Her new trick this month is kissing, which usually involves a big, wide mouth, slobbery mess. She kisses her bunnies, her dollies, the dogs, mama and dada, and all of the babies in her books. She also has makes the silliest cheese face when she thinks she’s being funny. She is still not sleeping great {at least to some extent due to a string of ear infections that she’s had over the past three months} and routinely wakes up at 5 a.m. {not great for mama, who is absolutely not a morning person}. She has the sweetest personality though and is usually pretty chill and happy.

On another note, it’s a good thing that we’re done with her monthly photos, because she has absolutely no interest in cooperating with me anymore! Below the last one, along with a collage of week 1 through month 11. I cannot believe how fast the past year has gone by and that I now have a little toddler on my hands!


This past weekend, we had a small party for Ellie with our families and a few friends. I plan to share a few pictures from the party in a few days.

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